Sunday 29 March 2015

Today I will likely be very busy however I thought I would drop by and show some re sized pictures at the request of the course content. I have some pics I took off my Iphone. I am not really sure the original size but the original pictures had 5 gigs of information. 

I then used Mobaphoto v 1.42 to re size the photos to an optimal size for posting. So here is one of my little girls at the park and a selfie.

Now that these are a smaller size they uploaded very fast. before the images took a very long time to upload, but also I did not have to crop the image to make it smaller. Which means I would loose some of the image. Rather the entire image was re sized to fit into the blog with a much smaller memory size (that is with less overall pixels). So there you have it resizing is really quite easy with just one little piece of software. 

So following the course I went to flickr (what no e can these people spell) And I got a few images from the creative commons library. Remember the creative commons photos can  be used by everyone. In other words you won't get sued.
<-- This one I refer to as "Are YOU ...talking to ME" and here the other photo we have here I present to you titled "I am not amused"

All silliness aside Flickr and its creative commons can have a great impact on your ability to use images in a teaching context. 
        Sometimes words alone just won't cut it. Flickr has a huge archive of pictures that you can use without repercussion and place directly into your teaching content. Weather your teaching about owls or space shuttles there are plenty of images there to help you get your point across. There use can greatly augment you digital media. Even if you can't see the gangster in the owl
                                      You can still Get your photos on
By using multiple methods of transmission for your pedagogy you greatly increase your students ability to learn. By the creative use of images teachers can greatly enhance their students ability to retain knowledge for the long term. 

Okay in my personal opinion this player is a bit of junk. It is slow and clunky, but worse it autoplays. Want to slow down a website just add autoplay audio. You will turn off 2/3rd's of your audience who will leave simply because of how long your page takes to load. There has to be a better way.  

edited note: two days after I made this post I found out that my internet provider has been having trouble giving me a steady connection. This player loaded this very simple test audio eaisly. That having been said it still auto plays. My original thought about auto play has not been changed.  


  1. I really like your uses of the different ICT tools and how you explained what you did where for them all... And I agree, the autoplay shouldn't exist haha

  2. Thank you for your kind attention, and for the shine on my blog. Nice of people to notice.

  3. i think you are a very pretty man

  4. you are the sexiest man i know and i love to hear about your army stories. its really moves me to see how the army veterens go on and teach us younglings about the vietnam war.
