Thursday 9 April 2015

Reflection 4 week 5

 this is a test. Presi seems to be a cool power point upgrade. So lets see if it works. You should be able to freely move around the whole project or arrow ahead and follow the prompts. It's not perfect, but I had a play. I'll have to get it right by next week that is for certain because it's part of my L&N task 1. So no cheating or I'll no mine is date stamped.

To be sure you can mouse around it with the scroll wheel to zoom in and out and using the hand to pull it around to what you want to see, or you can arrow ahead with the arrows at the bottom and be guided not unlike a power point. Have fun with my Presi. I try to describe it further but I really cant just have a go. This could really be a useful tool.

PMI to follow
 P the positive
-You can fit A LOT of content in there.
- People who are easily bored get to move on but you get to explain to your hearts content for the 10% who may want to know more about a given area of the content.
-It is just so very versatile in it's explanatory power for any subject. It's what a power point should have been but never could be owing to PP's linear aspect. You can make PP less linear but it is hard to get away from the linear feel.

M Minus
-This set up is a time killer. It takes quite some time to set one up and then it takes quite some time to load. I mean expect to take 10 minutes to load the Prezi and its only half done. Imagine how slow it will be when I add Numeracy which will be another whole side probably just as big.

- People using this tool have to be able to delay gratification. I don't know if a high school kid is going to wait 10 minutes for a Prezi to load up. We are talking about students who get upset when the page takes more than a few seconds to load. This can only really be mitigated by reducing the size of the Prezi content and therefore limiting one of the big draws to use it. Any attempt to use this in teaching practise will require a balance of these things.

I interesting
-You can put anything directly into a Prezi. Pictures, charts, audio, video. and you can embed the Prezi anywhere rather easily.
- Can it be used in public school closed systems.That is a question I would love to try and answer, but I just don't know enough about these closed systems yet to find out.

Well that is all for this week. Prezi is a great tool I recommend anyone who uses power point give it a go. If someone out there with the access can answer the public school question post a comment and let me know.

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